Zealotry - Blighted

Glorious stand the towers from which they watch over us
Imperious men ordained by birthright
Casting invidious gazes upon us, malignity from on high
A scurrilous contempt for all those below

In desolation we tread
Through the gutters of their empire
Degraded to the point of hopelessness
Our bodies wracked with blight

All the marvels of earth at their feet, yet their greed forever persists
In the shadow of their opulence, we choke
Choke on the debris of our shattered lives, as enmity ferments within us
Immoderate retribution provoked

Down, deeper and deeper we dredge
Through the bedrock upon which their palaces stand
Tremors shaking the structure
Foundations begin to collapse

In desperation we've tread
Through the gutters of their empire
Until we overcame our hopelessness
Now we shall pass the blight

The palaces lying in ruins
The progeny of genocide arise
Ascendant conclave assuming control
Building their babel anew

In mockery of the dethroned stand the towers
Raised on the ashes of a world bygone
Forgotten to time, scorned by risen
Cadaverous age, spoken of with a cadence of shame

In opulence, we grow decadent
As the dethroned did in ages past
Remorseless, the lessons of history lost
Unending, the cycle of conquest and upheaval

In desolation they've tread
Through the gutters of our empire
Degraded to the point of hopelessness
Their bodies wracked with blight

The towers crumbling around us now
The enmity of ages unforgotten
We see the mark of blight upon their forms
Never will it subside